Useful documents
Rules on admission to and operation for the European Schools of Luxembourg
For students in S4, S5, S6 and S7, please also complete the form in the choice of courses section.
Registration forms
Application forms for the 2025-026 school year will be published online shortly.
forms for Ukrainian pupils
Please find below the application form for Ukrainian students for the academic year 2024-2025.
Choice of courses
Dear parents,
Please find below the information and forms (2025-2026) for the choice of courses:
2025-2027_S4-S5_Brochure Choices of courses_EN_0.pdf - 2025-2027_S4-S5_Form Choice of courses_EN.pdf
2025-2027_S4-S5_Brochure Choix des cours_FR.pdf - 2025-2027_S4-S5_Formulaire Choix des cours_FR.pdf
2025-2027_S4-S5_Brochure Fächerwahl_DE.pdf - 2025-2027_S4-S5_Formular Wahl der Kurse_DE.pdf
2025-2027_S6-S7_Brochure_Choice of courses_EN_0.pdf - 2025-2027_S6-S7_Form EN.pdf - EN 2025-2027 Choix cours S6 S7
2025-2027_S6-S7_Brochure_Choix des cours_FR.pdf - 2025-2027_S6-S7_Formulaire FR.pdf - FR 2025-2027 Choix cours S6 S7
2025-2027_S6-S7_Brochure_Fächerwahl_DE.pdf - 2025-2027_S6-S7_Formular DE.pdf - DE 2025-2027 Choix cours S6 S7
Permission of absence
Written assessments
ICT Charter for students of the European School Luxembourg II
Student exchanges
Student Mobility Programme 2025/2026
10 January 2025: Deadline for submission of online form and covering letter
End of April 2025: Response from host schools
May 2025: Finalisation of the application with appendices 2 and 3
Social Fund
The Social Fund is intended for families in great financial difficulty, in particular to enable them to benefit from a possible reduction on the most expensive school trips.
This fund is quite limited as it is financed by a small deduction from the turnover of the school's vending machines.
For each application, please fill in the form below and send the complete file (with all supporting documents related to the household income) to the address:
Form Financial Aid Request - Privacy Statement
Fonds social - Voyages scolaires
6 rue Gaston THORN
L-8268 Bertrange