Mission and values of European Schools

European Schools are official educational establishments created jointly by the governments of the European Union member states and the EU institutions.
These schools emphasize multilingual and multicultural teaching at the nursery, primary and secondary school levels in order to address the needs of children from families associated with the EU institutions.
The mission of all European Schools focuses on the students :
"Students learning together, from the youngest age freed from prejudices that divide, initiated into the beauty and values of diverse cultures, will become aware of the solidarity that binds them. While holding on to the love and pride for their own countries, they will also develop the larger spirit of Europeans. They will be prepared to continue the work of previous generations in achieving a unified and prosperous Europe."
Each European school is comprised of different language sections that offer instruction in one of the official languages of the European Union. By conducting lessons in the student’s mother tongue, the school ensures the development and proficiency of their dominant language.
In order to reinforce the unity of the school and present a truly multicultural education, the school also places a high priority on using foreign languages and recognizing European spirit across language sections. The curriculum includes classes and projects for each grade level that can be shared across language sections.
Fundamentally, the respect for personal morals and beliefs is vital to each European school.
Structures are in place to provide differentiated education to help include students with special educational needs.