Memorandum for parents

The Memorandum is a handbook for the parents of our students. In it can be found information, details, and explanations about a child’s schooling and about daily routines and procedures.

Students in the Nursery-Primary and Secondary School cycles will be expected to follow the internal school rules, or Rules of Procedure. These are a series of rights and obligations that are discussed within the Educational Council. They are designed to ensure mutual respect among all members of the school community and allow for the smooth functioning of daily school operations.

Thème(s) du livret (field_theme_livret)
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1. School trips primary

School trips are an integral part of the school curriculum and are therefore compulsory.  

To be excused from a school trip, a medical reason is required. A request must be made to the Direction and justified by the submission of a medical certificate. The Management reserves the right to ask for a meeting with the parents in case of withdrawal.   

It is the responsibility of the parents to take out cancellation insurance.   

Medical expenses during school trip are to be borne by the pupil's legal guardian.  

When travelling, each student must be in possession of the following documents: 

  • Valid passport or identity card  
  • Parental authorization signed by the child's commune of residence   
  • European Health Insurance Card or its equivalent (in the event of an accident, this card must be presented to the hospital, emergency room or doctor in order to receive reimbursement) 

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1. Countryside trips (Green classes)

The pupils in 2nd and 3rd grade of primary school take part in Green classes organized by the school. Parents will receive detailed information about these journeys in due time.  


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2. Sea classes

At the end of the school year, pupils in 4th grade of primary school spend one week on the Belgian Coast.   

At the end of the school year, pupils in the 4th grade will go to the Belgian coast for a week.  

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3. Ski trips

Snow classes are organised for all fifth grade and last about eight days. In recent years, they have taken place in Switzerland during the month of December. The trip will be by bus. The price will be fixed later.   

The administration and the Direction remain at the disposal of the families who wish to have more information on the school trips.   

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4. Social Fund

The Social Fund is intended for families in great financial difficulty, in particular to enable them to benefit from a possible reduction on the most expensive school trips.   

This fund is quite limited as it is financed by a small deduction from the turnover of the school's vending machines.    

For each application, please fill in the form below and send the complete file (with all supporting documents related to the household income) to the address:    

Form Financial Aid Request - Privacy Statement 


Fonds social - Voyages scolaires  

6 rue Gaston THORN  

L-8268 Bertrange 

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5. Terms of payment

Invoices for trips will be sent to parents by post.   

The invoice must be paid before the departure of the school trip.  

When paying, please mention the structured reference number indicated on the invoice without any additions or gaps (e.g. 22xxx 2xxx NAME First name of the pupil).   

Please note that our bank account has changed.  

From now on, please make your payments for school trips to the following account   

IBAN: LU850019245538573000  


Receiver: EUROPEAN SCHOOL Luxembourg II 

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6. Insurance in case of an accident

In the event of an accident, each student must be in possession of his/her European Health Insurance Card (or its equivalent) to present to the emergency, hospital, doctor, … 

The Association Assurances Accidents (AAA), which is the organisation in charge in case of an accident with injury, intervenes according to the rates of the visited country.  

For more information, please visit: 

The school also has a civil liability insurance with "La Luxembourgeoise" which can intervene, on a case by case basis, in addition to the AAA. 



In the event of an accident requiring repatriation, everything is decided on a case-by-case basis and according to the degree of seriousness of the injuries. 

The local hospital contacts the hospital in Luxembourg see how and when the child will be repatriated (helicopter, ambulance, taxi, … 

The insurance will only reimburse if the local doctor issues a repatriation order.  

Afterwards, there will be a medical check-up to determine how much the insurance will pay, but there is always a part to be paid by the parents. 


Travel cancellation insurance 

The School does not have cancellation insurance.
We strongly recommend that parents take out travel cancellation insurance.

Ex :Europ assistance - Mondial careAxa DKV



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2. School trips secondary

School trips are an integral part of the school curriculum and are therefore compulsory.  

To be excused from a school trip, a medical reason is required. A request must be made to the Direction and justified by the submission of a medical certificate. The Management reserves the right to ask for a meeting with the parents in case of withdrawal. It is the responsibility of the parents to take out cancellation insurance.   

Medical expenses during school trip are to be borne by the pupil's legal guardian.  

When travelling, each student must be in possession of the following documents: 

  • Valid passport or identity card  
  • Parental authorization signed by the child's commune of residence   
  • European Health Insurance Card or its equivalent (in the event of an accident, this card must be presented to the hospital, emergency room or doctor in order to receive reimbursement)  

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1. S2 trip

Trip of 2-3 days in May

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2. S3 trip

Visit of Athens (Grece) in March

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3. S6 trip

Trip of 1 week in various European countries end of April/ begin of May

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4. Outings and trips linked to a subject

Many outings and several school trips linked to a subject are organized throughout the school year.  

For insurance purposes, any trip/outing, even when it happens outside lessons time, must be authorized by the School Director  and the pupils’ parents.  

Teachers can exclude from a trip a pupil who represents a risk for the group.  

Zero-alcohol policy 

Is applicable during any school trip organised by the European School Luxembourg II. This means that the consumption or possession of alcohol is strictly forbidden during any school trip. Any breach of this rule will lead to severe sanctions. 

The organizers of the trip will ask the students and their parents to sign a form regarding the alcohol policy confirming that they are aware of the rules and of the consequences in case of violation of the zero -alcohol policy. If the signed form is not handed in prior to the trip, participation in the trip will be refused. 

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5. Insurances

In the event of an accident, each student must be in possession of his/her European Health Insurance Card (or its equivalent) to present to the emergency, hospital, doctor, … 

The Association Assurances Accidents (AAA), which is the organisation in charge in case of an accident with injury, intervenes according to the rates of the visited country.  

For more information, please visit: 

The school also has a civil liability insurance with "La Luxembourgeoise" which can intervene, on a case by case basis, in addition to the AAA. 


In the event of an accident requiring repatriation, everything is decided on a case-by-case basis and according to the degree of seriousness of the injuries. 

The local hospital contacts the hospital in Luxembourg see how and when the child will be repatriated (helicopter, ambulance, taxi, … 

The insurance will only reimburse if the local doctor issues a repatriation order.  

Afterwards, there will be a medical check-up to determine how much the insurance will pay, but there is always a part to be paid by the parents. 

Travel cancellation insurance 

The school does not have au travel cancellation insurance.

We strongly recommend that parents take out travel cancellation insurance.

Ex :Europ assistance - Mondial careAxa DKV

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6. Social Fund

The Social Fund is intended for families in great financial difficulty, in particular to enable them to benefit from a possible reduction on the most expensive school trips.    

This fund is quite limited as it is financed by a small deduction from the turnover of the school's vending machines.    

For each application, please fill in the form below and send the complete file (with all supporting documents related to the household income) to the address:    

Form Request Financial AidPrivacy Statement 


Fonds social - Voyages scolaires  

6 rue Gaston THORN  

L-8268 Bertrange 

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7. Terms of payment

Invoices for trips will be sent to parents by post.   

The invoice must be paid before the departure of the school trip.  

When paying, please mention the structured reference number indicated on the invoice without any additions or gaps (e.g. 22xxx 2xxx NAME First name of the pupil).  

Please note that our bank account has changed.  

From now on, please make your payments for school trips to the following account   

IBAN: LU850019245538573000  


Receiver: EUROPEAN SCHOOL Luxembourg II