Registration details

Meal times, options, and registration procedures will vary depending on the school cycle of the students.
For the Nursery and Primary School cycles, registration with the canteen service is required even if you are choosing not to have your child take the school meals. These students are considered “tartinistes” and will bring their own packed meals from home. In either case, the meal times are organized so that all the children eat together.
For the Secondary School cycle, registration is not required. At the start of the school year, students are provided with an payment key/card along with recharging instructions. Students may use this electronic key/card to pay for meals in the Secondary School canteen or in the cafeteria when they wish.
For students with severe food allergies, upon presentation of a medical prescription meals can be adapted and additional measures can be taken as suggested by the caterer.
For further information about the school’s canteen and cafeteria services, please feel free to contact Sodexo
Specific information for your children about meal prices, meal times, and other matters can be found in the Memorandum under Meals Arrangements